Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Lookin' for a little...

At this early stage it is unlikely that a significant percentage of newsletter recipients have migrated to this Web log; it's equally unlikely that those of you who read the blog are representative of the growing DB community, but here's the problem.

Each day we add about a dozen new newsletter subscribers. These folks are hungry for event listings and store news that earlier subscribers have already read. And there is news, but I don't want to irritate those who expect a newsletter to be monthly but receive a new one every time they open their e-mail.

So, how often should I send e-mails. One day it might just be a list of new arrivals. The next day it might be an invitation to a standing event (like Trivia Night on Friday at 8). And the next it might be a raw commercial or something as harmless as an event report.

Let me know your thoughts.


Blogger edward parish said...

Randy I'm good with a couple times a week or just place it here daily for those of us who read the blog on a regular frequency. The new book release list is very appealing to me.

3:39 PM  
Blogger The New Albanian said...

Your subscribers have placed themselves on the e-list because they want to be there and are interested; consequently, they should be deluged with information until they indicate a preference otherwise. There's no good way to handle those who maintain only a casual interest, as they'll probably tune things out at some point anyway. The core audience quite likely wants as much as you'll give 'em, so to me, let 'em have it.

10:58 PM  

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