Wednesday, December 08, 2004

We have a winner

Dessert Night was a relaxed affair this week with the best array of sweets yet. We had drop-ins from friends old and new, including the charming Emily Marsh, our special guest for the evening.

I'm sure, though, you're all waiting with bated breath to find out who won our contest to "predict" what Michael Crichton would come up with for his new blockbuster, "State of Fear."
Brandon Smith, despite being handicapped by his legal training, managed to eclipse all other entries with his imaginings.

Brandon won a signed first edition of this book, a globe-girdling thriller in which the manipulation of information and the dissemination of misinformation serve the purposes of a nefarious fictional (?) cabal. We still have copies of the book, and for Patron Passport holders, this widely-promoted title is available at the ridiculously low price of $13.47. That's right, we're offering it to our reading community at a price that's more than 50% off.

If you are looking for a gift to thrill, you'd be nuts to pass up this chance to give the latest from one of our time's most successful writers.

We're bulking up our travel section as we head into the winter months, and I'll preview some of the best in a future posting. Plus, during the week between Christmas and New Year's Day, we'll be unveiling our unique travel guide kiosk.

If you missed Dessert Night, drop by after work today and tomorrow for our After-Work Open House. We've invited workers from all over the downtown area to drop in, and we're expecting to meet lots of new folks. Your word-of-mouth support has been tremendous and we're seeing traffic pick up considerably. If you're on the e-mail newsletter list, you received a great coupon offer that rewards your friends first, then gives you double rewards on normal trade titles and gift items. If you think about it, go ahead and print out a few to help us build awareness and save yourself a few bucks, too.


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